Saturday, July 28, 2018

ccwsafe vs ACLDN vs SDF vs USCCA. I'm still trying to make a decision.

I'm researching CCW legal plans and I'm still having trouble making a decision. I've looked at the FAQ's and searched the sub. There is really a lot to digest. Is there any one thing that tipped the scales for any of you to choose one over the other? I do have a CPL and live/work in an area that would slightly increase my chances of having to defend myself. Not necessarily with my pistol but hand-to-hand, pepper, taser. I carry all day, everyday, and with all the news coverage, I think it's time to look at some protection against financial disaster. Just to clarify, human life is important to me. I would not kill someone over a wallet or a car. I would however kill someone to protect my life or my family. via /r/CCW

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