Currently I'm carrying a SW airweight in .38 spl +P. Truthfully It's be a great carry weapon. It's fantastically accurate and very concealable. But I also don't care anymore about concealability since moving to an OC state and having a job that allows me to carry whatever I want although everyone else carries .45s in 1911s. So I'm looking for a new wheel gun for the rare OC times but mainly something a tad larger for a full grip and a softer shooter. Primarily 2-3" been looking specifically at Ruger sp101s in 9mm, .38, and .357. I've also been eyeing a SW 66. All 3 rounds are fairly similar but I know .357 has slower burning powder and is underutilized in smaller barrelled guns. So my question is which would you choose and why? Also feel free to recommend any other options that fit the criteria. 2-3" barrel, full grip, and good IWB holster options primarily Bravo concealment hybrids as they are my go-to choice. OWB holsters will strictly be comp holsters on the range and a level 2-3 retention holster for days I OC. via /r/CCW
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