Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Please for the love of God why?

(On mobile, so sorry for formatting)So, went to a small pawn shop/junk store type place near me and they have a small gun counter area. I went to see what they had (HPs and Taurus revolvers and your assortment of deer guns) and noticed a badge and holder for sale. Was a CCW permit/badge holder/billfold/wallet thing. The badge looked exactly like a police badge and there was zero ways to destinguish it from a normal LEO badge unless you got close and started reading.Why is this a thing? Given the location, some bubba or idiot is going to buy it, try and fake it as a cop, and get shot a/o arrested if they are lucky. There are enough issues with the firearms community already without stupid shit like that. This also seemed that it was questionably legal if not outright illegal given that there was no way to tell that it was fake until you got a close look/inspection. Also seems like it could get the store in trouble if someone did pull something stupid with it and it got back to them somehow.E: spelling via /r/CCW

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