Monday, July 30, 2018

What do you think of a baton/stick/staff as a self defense weapon?

Hello everyone. So I am well aware of the fact that a knife should not be used for self defense(unless it was a pure DEFCON 1 scenario). I don't ever intend on carrying a knife or gun around(a gun one day, but only for home defense).

But one weapon that seems iffy is any sort of blunt object. For one thing, you do have things like the Unbreakable-Umbrella which differs from a knife in that the law views knives as purely attack weapons. Plus it easily transfers to using environmental weapons(tree branch, pipe, etc)

Using any weapon wouldn't be my first option. The only circumstances I think a weapon should be used is:

A)The attacker is armed themselves

B)There are multiple attackers

C)There is a really large size/strength advantage on the part of the assailant(i.e. 125 pound 5'7 petite female against a 250 pound 6'4 muscular male)

Another thing is that many martial arts/self defense classes teach unrealistic ways of dealing with weapons, including most disarms or even kicking the weapon out of the attackers hand(I shit you not,this is true). Really, if I had to fight someone with a knife, I would hit them with the nearest blunt object and then run like hell. After all, a stick has longer reach so there's distance.

But what do you think?

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 12:52PM by Dobokdude

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