Monday, July 9, 2018

I need help picking a new carry gun

I am in the market for a new carry gun, but I have a question regarding gun durability. I ride my bike a lot, and I recently almost got into a pretty high speed accident involving a car. This got me thinking about what would happen if I was struck on my gun side, whether or not the gun itself would survive (not a huge deal), and if it would be capable of firing due to the impact (this is more important). Getting hit by a car is a rather possible outcome given everyone who drives a car on a college campus magically returns to their learners permit state. I could also just fall off my bike too.I guess my question is, should I be looking for a metal or polymer frame handgun, and would going with a DA/SA over a striker fired handgun give me any advantages involving the gun not firing during an accident? I was looking into the glock 32 for striker fired (I heavily prefer 357 sig to 9mm), and it's a toss up between the cz-p01 compact and the Arex zero 1 compact. I was thinking the manual safety might be nice for during the ride (my university allows carry, so not having an ND is incredibly important in keeping that way), but the cz is a bit cheaper and more available.What do y'all think? Would the glock be just fine in the event of a significant impact? Should I move to DA/SA to help prevent adding a gunshot wound to getting hit by a car/falling off my bike? Should I just get the glock in my preferred caliber? Since I'm on a college campus, off body carrying to holster and reholster every time I got on or off my bike would be extremely annoying and backpack carry would drastically limit my capability to access the firearm should the need arise via /r/CCW

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