Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How I almost got robbed at an ATM and wasn't able to draw due to the circumstances

I almost was robbed at an ATM, but I didn't draw. Here's why. Also, no matter how much training you have and how much you go through what you would do in a situation, when it happens, nothing can prepare you for it.Here's where it went down. It was a little after midnight. drove into the parking lot, did my usual scan the area for anything that doesn't look right. A really good scan too since it was so late. I got out and went into the lobby to go to the ATM. It's one of those that you have to swipe a card (any card) to unlock the door.As i'm withdrawing $500 I see two guys running across the highway towards me. Running, as in sprinting like their life was dependent on it. They came from the apartment complex which, if you turn the Google streetview to the right you'll see.At that point I'm committed to my ATM withdrawal since the machine was starting its process. By the time I was pulling out the money and putting it into my wallet, the two guys were already up to the door and waiting outside -- one on each side of the door so if I go outside, I'd be surrounded.Now my mind is racing what to do next. My life at that point isn't really threatened. I don't even know if I'm going to be robbed. It's common around here for people to wait outside of a lobby like that for the person inside to finish, so they could be waiting to use the ATM themselves. If that was indeed the case and I brandished, I could be in deep shit.I didn't feel I could draw. I also didn't feel I could call 911 and just cower inside like an idiot. But if I stepped outside and they were intending to rob me, they could be all over me from both sides and there's nothing I could do. Getting my firearm out of my holster (IWB 3 o'clock) would be near impossible then.So I bluffed. I confidently walked out of the door and very assertively with a strong voice said "Don't fuck with me" and walked right past them to my car.As I got to my car and started to get in, at this point I was ready to draw if needed -- but the two of them just stood there staring at each other not knowing what to do next. As I drove away I watched them and they didn't go inside to use the ATM so at that point I was pretty confident their intent was to rob me and I somehow luckily and miraculously broke their planned routine by doing something unexpected -- and I avoided a situation.I've read about this technique here before, even though I wasn't thinking about it at the time. To break the concentration of an attacker by doing something unusual so their routine is reset and they have to stop and think what to do next. I'm convinced that is what saved me this time.... and that's the last time I use an ATM late at night. I'm still in shock how fast that everything went from OK to a threat. via /r/CCW

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