Friday, July 20, 2018

A time I wish had been carrying in case it got ugly--story time

This happened some time back, I wanted to wait to post this, and have time to reflect.This is the story of a creepy encounter, although it is pretty anticlimactic in the end... which in retrospect is always a good thing.This happened while traveling out of state, and because of this I did not have my Ruger LC9s. We were heading west in an RV and going through AZ. We chose to see more of the country and stay off the interstate, which took us through Native American Reservation territory, which was amazing to see during the day. On this particular night however, we came into a small town called Tuba City, AZ. Due to mechanical issues from earlier in the day we were behind schedule and pulled in close to dark. A lot of residents are natives, and I take it they don't see tourists all that often at 8pm loitering in empty parking lots in an RV, which is what we were doing because with no cellular service, we couldn't look up camping and no store was open to ask. We tried a few places but didn't like any place we pulled into for various reasons relating to types of businesses around to solicitations from locals. After several places, we pulled into this one empty lot to consult our maps. As we pulled in, we noticed two individuals sitting under a light post, and one sleeping behind a gas station that was next door, however we weren't planning on staying long and just wanted to get off the road.I'm in the passenger seat and keeping an eye on the side mirror for the two sitting who were now at our 5o'clock. I felt a little paranoid for whatever reason and felt it was prudent to keep an eye on them. After about 2 min I noticed them get up and walk in our general direction. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I wanted to believe they were walking to the gas station which was at my 11o'clock, but it still didn't feel right given the looks they gave us as we pulled into the lot. Granted, we probably seemed out of place, but they seemed too interested. As they walked around the back I could see one with his hand under his very baggy shirt through the side mirror. I told the driver sitting next to me to start the van, and as she did they approached the drivers side rather quickly, reminding me that objects in mirrors are really closer than they appear. I could now see more clearly the hand-in-his-shirt guy fiddling with something by his waistband in the typical appendix carry position, and dashcam video I have confirms him doing so while we reversed and booked it out of there. We ended up calling 911 dispatch for advice, and to ask if we could spend the night in the PD parking lot. We told the officer about our encounters and she apologetically said it comes with the territory.Was it a gun, knife, or just itchy balls? I don't know.. but they clearly weren't going to the gas station, and I think it's safe to say that one should keep their hands visible if they're approaching you to say hi, and do it in a manner that makes you visible. Don't come from behind.I had pepper spray and a knife on me, but little good those would do from where I was. via /r/CCW

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