Monday, October 3, 2016

Tonight I had to draw.

Less than two hours ago, I had to draw my weapon. I'm a little shaken up about it still so hopefully I will make sense. If not ask me and I'll clarify it.Two hours ago, me and my SO were sound asleep on my bed with our little Boston Terrier at our apartment. All the sudden someone was banging on our door and twisting our door handle trying to get inside. My SO and dog immediately woke up. My girlfriend woke me up while my dog started barking at them. My SO says "FOTC, someone is trying to break into our apartment!" I got out of bed as fast as I could and the next thing I know, I have my Shield and flashlight pointed at my door. I don't remember anything between waking up and standing there.I hear the person scream "help! Let me in! Please I have two daughters!" And then her daughters start screaming intangible things at me. I live on the second floor of my apartment in a super awkward spot in a bad part of town. To get here is work so no one ever bothers us. I yell back "Who is this?" And just to add more to the story, my yell is terrifying, it sounds like batman having a bad day, people in my life try to not get me to the point of yelling because it scares people.She yells back "my name is [redacted]"I yell "I have a gun, if you break in here I'm shooting you"she then yells "someone broke into my house. Let me in!""I don't know you, I'm not opening up my doors."I tell my SO to call the cops.The woman keeps banging on my door and twisting the handle while yelling the same things over and over with her daughters just yelling.I get handed the phone and see 911 being dialed. I put the phone up to my ear and hear the absolute worst thing to hear in this situations. "[redacted] county police department. We have no free operators at this time. Please hold."My heart fucking sunk. No one likes to admit it but I was fucking terrified. It was just me with a gun and my SO on the bed holding my dog and cat. I don't know how long it took but it seemed like hours until someone answered the phone.Finally someone answered. I gave them my name, address, and the name and situation of the woman trying to break into my house because someone broke into her house. They told me they were sending someone out and I yelled at the woman that I called the cops and they were coming soon. She just kept banging on the door and yelling. My apartment was literally shaking from the force. I didn't know who she was or what she wanted or if she wanted to trick me. All I knew was to keep my gun and flashlight pointed at the door and if someone broke in they were losing their life.After 5 minutes the police finally showed up and they left my porch. I've never been more terrified in my life. 2 hours have passed and I'm still shaking. I've never had anything like this happen to me before. via /r/CCW

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