Wednesday, October 5, 2016

PSA: Know with 1000000000000% certainty your CCW is fully loaded with 1 in the chamber, feeling stupid

Hey guys, I'm feeling very stupid at the moment and just want to share my stupidity in the hopes that someone else can learn from it. I carry my Glock 43 every day when I leave my apartment, and for the most part, it stays in the holster at all times. The holster and gun go on, I leave the apartment, I come back home, the holster and gun come off. Well, I just took my G43 out of the holster and was hit with a minor wave of panic - I could see that the extractor was not protruding and I could not see the silver ridge of a 9mm HST in the back of the chamber - there was no round in the pipe and the trigger was to the rear position. It took me almost a full minute of extremely worried confusion to remember that 2 days ago, I had decided it had been too long since I practiced drawing from concealment - I had unchambered the round and spent 10-15 minutes drawing and reholstering. At the end of this, I must have gotten a phone call or a coworker pinged my laptop (working from home) and I put the gun back in the holster, completely forgetting to chamber a round. So I just essentially carried an antique candlestick on my hip for 2 days - I'm livid with myself now imagining if god forbid something had happened, and I had needed to draw, terrified but confident in my practice and my weapon, and I had squeezed the trigger and heard silence. This has rattled me - I'm always extremely careful with the handling of my firearm and I always treat it as if its loaded - I just never realized how frightened I'd be when I realized it was NOT loaded. I will never let this happen again, but just figured I'd share and hope that maybe someone can learn something from my forgetful stupidity. Stay safe and carry on friends. via /r/CCW

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