Saturday, October 8, 2016

Just had back surgery, can't carry for a while

I just had back surgery on the 29th of September - lumbar microscopic discectomy on my L5/S1 if you want the technical details. If you don't know where that's located, that's right at your belt line. (Don't worry, I wouldn't either until I went through all of this.)First off, I'm the one saying that I can't carry, not my doctor. I carry IWB at 4 o'clock. That's close enough to my injury/surgery site and with the tension of a belt and the weight of a gun I don't want ANYTHING messing with my back right now. From what I'm being told picking up anything over 5lbs can cause me to re-herniate my back, which I do not want to go through again. I probably won't wear a belt for a while.I've been out of the house twice since my surgery, and both times I've pocket carried my G43 in a leather holster in jeans. The grip wasn't in my pocket and my shirt was long enough to cover that up. This will work for the next week that I'm off work, but once I go back to work jeans are out of the question. Appendix carry really won't work due to my "dunlap" disease. Plus the leather holster is a bit too soft for my liking to carry in that area. I'd rather have a kydex holster for carrying there.From the time that I return to work and until the time that I'm "fully recovered" will be 6 weeks. At that point I should be able to carry normal again. But until that time, carrying will be difficult, if not impossible. I live frugal and hate to buy a special holster (like a kangaroo holster) just for 6 weeks of wear that I may not wear again.I'm not so much worried about carrying at work, but outside of work is what unnerves me.Has anyone else ever been in this type of situation, where a surgery has made carrying almost impossible? What did you do? Buying a holster may be my only solution, but I'm hoping to foster some discussion on how to get around this issue. via /r/CCW

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