Monday, August 1, 2016

Carrying concealed and family/friends' opinions

Some people grow up in anti-gun families and eventually start to conceal carry, and I've had some experience dealing with that.Always stand your ground. Make sure you realize that the Judge, precinct, and constitution that gives you your gun rights, overrides any sort of "house rules" or uneducated opinions your family or friends might have.If you have to conceal it from them, fine, but realize that some of them just really believe they are dangerous rather than them opposing you for your views. Once they realize it's not as dangerous as it seems, they'll open up to it and you have to be effective at convincing them.A while back, I had a close older relative who went camping with me. He knew I carried, and said basically "no you cannot carry guns on this trip. There are park rangers and stuff, I don't want it around." I told him that the Judge, constitution, park service, and the state legislation has ruled I can carry. He forbade me (like as if he has any authority in the matter) and yelled at me. He told me "I don't want you camping with us if you carry your gun." So I said "fine" and carried concealed anyway.In the woods, when we started camping and seeing the darkness of the place. At one point an official in the area, warned us of bears in the area and not to leave trash etc.And this relative who's so anti-gun, turned to me and said later "Shit, I sure hope you brought your pistol, these rangers aren't even around much." I hinted that I did. He didn't complain.We also heard shots in the morning hours from some parts of the woods. Makes people think twice...TL;DR: It takes family/friends a while to get used to you carrying guns, but after a while they start to realize that inanimate objects are not a danger, but rather the users of those objects are the only things that matter. Don't let any house-rules or opinions of friends/family deter you. Stand your ground on your beliefs and they will have to fold. via /r/CCW

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