Saturday, July 21, 2018

The one day I decide to leave my gun in the glove department, my family encountered our first bad guy(s). Likely sex traffickers.

I live in NC. We have the one of the highest rates of sex trafficking in the country, Charlotte being the center of most of it.My gun stays with me everywhere I go, work, the store, getting gas, second nature, but sometimes we get lazy. Nothing ever happens, so sometimes leaving it in the glovebox is an ok idea, because in our mind, we'll have plenty of time to get it.My wife and I went to go take pictures of our son as we usually do, seeing as she's had him into brand repping since he was little, and we get lots of free clothes in exchange for pictures. It's fun and it gets us out of the house and my son enjoys looking around and seeing new things.Usually we go to our local mall which is rather large, and take pictures under the parking deck in a very well-lit area that has a nice backdrop. Lots of people around, lots of cars, security making laps every now and then, never really seems like a big deal.As we left today and I got my Glock 19, I thought to myself do I really want to carry this, it's 85 degrees outside. Initially the answer was no, so I just thought I would put it in the glove box, no big deal.As we were taking pictures when I noticed a truck pulling up with a lady smiling at our son, they pulled in at the other side of a barrier, like just a concrete barrier with grass in it to separate parking spots, and the lady got out with a very large reusable cloth bag from some store.She immediately started talking about how cute our son was, which is common and I thought nothing of it, most people like cute little kids, but once she said that she just stood there. She had very darty eyes, so look at her and say "He'll stand up for lucky charms." As I give him one. She just laughs and looks around some more. At this point I start getting a little bit nervous, as the man that was driving the truck is just sitting there watching.I also noticed that she's got her hand in the bag, and my spidey senses are tingling and in my mind I know it's time to leave, however my wife instantly gets up and says okay we're done, grabs my son and rushes off to the car getting in the passenger seat without putting him in his car seat. I immediately knew she seen something that I didn't.As I start walking back to the car this lady is following me, within 10 inches of proximity, with her hand still in the bag, still looking around still making these weird laughs, and looking back and forth at the truck I didn't want her to think I had caught on so I simply told her we were going to leave now, and promptly got in my car to which she still stood there. as I'm cranking the car she takes one last look inside the car at my son and then hustles back to the truck quickly.My wife begins telling me to hurry and get the fuck out of here, because she has a gun. When I was giving him Lucky Charms, apparently she pulled a gun out of her bag, and quickly put it back in when I turned around from giving my son cereal peices. From what we've read, there's been people going around holding people at gunpoint while the person that stays in the car comes out and grab the kid and they take off, selling them for drug money in Charlotte. One case, the little girl had her hair dyed and cut within 30 minutes so they wouldn't recognize her.The situation could have ended much worse, and even though I'm very thankful I'm not really sure why she didn't make a move, could have been nervous, but I'm a very large man and maybe being within close proximity made her question, who knows. She could have had a fake gun for all I know. My wife said it looked like one of the guns I'm building, so it could've been a pistol AR, as she said it was very big and looked just like mine.I'll never know what she had, or what could have happened, but we did file a police report and we are now home safe. I just wanted to share the story with you guys to remind you that you never know when your safety can be in jeopardy, and if you have the right to carry, absolutely exercise it everyday of your life. It could save your life, and your families someday. Stay vigilant, guys. via /r/CCW

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