Monday, July 23, 2018

How well do you know your laws?

Hey guys and gals,I love that we all are proud American citizens who exercise our 2A rights every single day! However, we often forget that we need to know the laws in our states. We talk about how training is super important or which belts and holsters are key to concealment but we often forget that staying within the law is probably the most important aspect of carrying a firearm right up next to firearm safety.Please do yourself and the concealed carry community a favor and read the laws in your state front to back and back to front. You don't want to ever put yourself in a situation where you have to wonder if what you did was legal. There is no excuse to not know the laws when you carry a firearm.I see it time and time again when we ask the community for help but what we get is a slew of wrong information often illegal advice. It's not on purpose but it happens because some states allow things where other states do not. There are great resources available to use. I, myself, prefer to go use where I can click the hyperlinks that go right to the codes that the state provides. Use these tools to help you understand the laws for you state.Stay safe out there! via /r/CCW

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