Monday, July 9, 2018

Don't think it can't happen

I have had my CWP for about 11 years. About 5 years ago I had something happen to me that I would never have dreamed of.I was using my dads pickup to move some boxes and furniture from a storage unit in another town.When I was heading home I stopped at a gas station to fill up the truck. As I'm waiting for the tank to fill, I notice a woman in a mini van pull in behind me and get out and start screaming at me. I said, "Ladie are you ok?" All of a sudden she runs back to her van and takes off. I shrug it off as some drunk.I finish filling up, then get back on the interstate on my way home, its about 3pm and I have an hour trip. As I'm driving about 10 minutes into the trip, I notice 2 state troopers sitting off in the grass by the left shoulder. About 1 minute later I see them coming up on me really fast with flashing lights. So I pull over, and the troopers get out with guns drawn. Order me out, Then cuff me, and they ask where is the gun. I said in the glove box in the holster. I have a cwp. One of the troopers ask what type of gun, Its a SW revolver. They look at each other very puzzled, then the second trooper asked what color. I said polished stainless. The first officer goes and gets it out of the glove box and brings it back to the SUV. At this point I'm so confused and scared. I asks what's going on. They come back to the front of their cars and removed the cuffs.They said someone called 911 and reported a man with a black gun driving a red ford pickup with a cap and gun stickers. waving the gun around at her. (The stickers are pictures of a ducks from ducks unlimited and a bucks head. The stickers have since been removed!)So the troopers ask which gas station, I tell them. I filled out a report and few days later 2 detectives come to my house. They retrieved video, and identified the woman.She was arrested and charged with using 911 to make false report. I also filed a lawsuit against her, which finally ended after 4 years successfully for me this past April. via /r/CCW

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