Sunday, June 10, 2018

How far does "brandishing" go?

Something I was wondering about today and I realized that I didn't actually know the answer so thought I'd ask.Let's say you pocket carry. Now let's say that some thugs approach you on the street. Putting aside whether it's tactically smart or not, you put your hands in your pockets so one of them is on your CCW. If someone were to realize you were carrying at that point, or at least suspected it, would that be brandishing? I would think not.But now, what happens if, after some words are thrown your way, you think you may be in real danger and so say something to the effect of"Back off, I'm armed". Is THIS now brandishing?I guess to put the question more succinctly: does "brandishing" require SHOWING the weapon? Or can suspicion of it, or even you stating that you are carrying, be considered brandishing?I would have said no in both cases, it's not brandishing, but you know, I'm not 100% sure, and I like to be 100% sure I know my stuff when it comes to carrying and potential violent confrontations, so worth asking I think.Thoughts? via /r/CCW

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