Saturday, June 30, 2018

Carrying in your home. Questions, thoughts and opinions.

Hello everyone I just thought I’d get everyone’s opinion and how they feel about carrying at home. Home carry, house carry whatever you want to call it. Also I had afew questions. 1) Do you carry in the same holster as your edc or do you have a designated holster for when you’re at home that’s more comfortable? 2) Does your SO or others look at you like a lunatic? 3) If you carry at home is that the gun you use primarily for home defense?For myself I carry at home since I’m not a fortune teller and I don’t know when someone will kick my door in at 10 in the morning and I don’t want my safety plan to revolve around me being in a particular room. For example a lot of defense plans start something like I’ll grab the gun from my nightstand/closet and do XYZ. I have a child so I can’t just leave him to run and get a gun, and since I have a small child the likely hood of having to shoot one handed is higher so I Focus my defense around a pistol. What about you guys what do you do? via /r/CCW

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