Thursday, June 21, 2018

AB 3 (one of CA Age restriction bills proposing to ban the exercise of a Constitutional right for adults between 18 and 21) passed Senate Public Safety Committee, going to Senate Appropriations. SB 1100 (other age restriction bill) on to Assembly Appropriations. How to stop these bills.

NOTE: This post complies fully with Reddit Content Policy and community standards. Additionally, this post complies fully with the rules of this subreddit which require that posts relate to (a) the carrying of a weapon in a legal manner; or (b) self-defense. In addition, this post is directly related to self-defense as required by this subreddit as it directly has to do with the problem of people between the ages of 18 and 21 who might be banned from being able to legally defend themselves in California. See Rule 7 of this subreddit.The below is somewhat long; but it is instructive and wouldn't be necessary except for what the Legislature has done.1) Read AB 3 here. This bill would make it illegal to own any firearm for people between 18 and 21 and would thus prohibit carrying of any kind by persons in that age range.2) Consider a financial / fiscal argument against the age restriction bill, which proposes to ban Constitutional right for any adults between the ages of 18 and 21 (a policy choice that the State cannot legally exercise). An example of a fiscal argument against the bill would be your own estimation of the cost of enforcement of this if it becomes law and the cost of imprisoning millions of innocent persons who wish to exercise a right. You might also want to estimate the financial cost of making criminalizing Constitutional rights via this bill and how it will add to the public safety costs as criminals exploit the new loopholes that would be created by it. The Appropriations Committee only accepts financial / fiscal arguments against the bills, so your message will need to be focused on finances and costs.As part of your message, request that the Committee deny passage of the bill and request that if they move it out of Appropriations, that it be sent back to the Rules Committee.The more Committees the bill has to go through the less likely a bill is to pass (death by committee).3) E-mail the designated Senate Appropriations staffer and all the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee here with your message to oppose AB 3.Note, the link provided above to e-mail them all at once may not work for all e-mail clients, so for some readers/redditors, you may have to hover over and view the link, and copy and paste the addresses into whatever you use to compose e-mail. You will likely also have to remove a "//" that will appear before the addresses in your browser (edit it out so that it doesn't cause an error when you send). It will also help to call the Committee members individually.Again, for the Senate Appropriations Committee make your comments focused on financial criticisms of the bill.4) Once you've done the above, also contact the Governor's office via this link and ask him to veto AB 3 if it reaches his desk. Here's where you can use whatever argument you wish. Unlike the Appropriations Committee, which only accepts fiscal comments, the Governor's office must review community input regardless of the reasoning you use.5) You can also use the e-mail link provided in step 3 to contact (all at once) the staffer in charge of the following bills and the Senators on the Appropriations committee who will soon be reviewing these bills, so as to write in letters of opposition about these bills as well. Because you'll be contacting the Senate Appropriations Committee, please use fiscal / financial arguments only. Here are the bills:A.B. 931 Weber. Criminal procedure: use of force by peace officers. This bill proposes, in part, to prohibit police officers from being able to legally exercise their own judgment in situations which could escalate to use of deadly force for self-defense. The bill has no true public safety purpose. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 3 Bonta. Firearms: age restrictions. This bill proposes to prohibit adults from being able to exercise the Constitutional right of firearm ownership and of self-defense. If signed into law, it would have a profound negative influence on public safety in California. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 1927 Bonta. Firearms: prohibition: voluntary list. This bill proposes that people should "voluntarily" give up the exercise of a Constitutional right. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 1968 Low. Mental health: firearms. This bill proposes that you would be prohibited for life from exercise of a Constitutional right, without opportunity to appeal, if you were unfortunate enough to have to seek treatment for some mental issue or to be dragged before a kangaroo court and accused of the same. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 2213 Cooley. Firearms: ammunition sales. (Urgency) This bill proposes to exempt certain officers from ammunition laws. The ammunition law being discussed by this proposal is currently the subject of a court challenge. The Equal Protection Clause indicates we should be treated equally under laws, not have exemptions from unconstitutional laws for certain classes of people. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 2495 Mayes.Prosecuting attorneys: charging defendants for the prosecution costs of criminal violations of local ordinances. This bill sounds reasonable from the title, but is problematic because many laws in the State now criminalize Constitutionally protected acts. Thus, this bill should not be approved. This bill was sent from the Public Safety Committee straight into the Senate and is unlikely to even be considered by the Appropriations Committee, but you can request the Appropriations Committee attempt to schedule consideration of it, anyway.A.B. 2504 Low. Peace officer training: sexual orientation and gender identity. This bill attempts to consume police time with training on political correctness and assumes that officers, who are in fact adults, don't know how to make appropriate judgments on the matter of nontraditional gender identity issues. The bill doesn't have to do with public safety. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 2823 Nazarian.Violent felonies. This bill would expand criminal penalties for forms of rape and sex trafficking. It does not describe how to prevent them however, only how to increase the penalties when they happen. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.A.B. 2888Ting.Gun violence restraining orders. This bill is unnecessary; such (provisions including "gun violence" restraining orders or GVROs) already exist in California law, and the existing law itself is arguably unnecessary in light of pre-existing law (predating GVROs) allowing for restraining orders. The bill is redundant at best, and thus serves no meaningful purpose. It was passed out of Senate Public Safety Committee on June 19th, and goes next to the Senate Appropriations Committee.AB 2382. This bill proposes to make nearly any part which you might at some point use to repair, build, or rebuild your weapon, would need to go through an FFL and background check. Imagine background checks on barrels, magazines, triggers, etc. This bill is not yet at the Appropriations Committee as it is being considered by the Public Safety Committee on June 26th, but after that it willl very likely go to the Appropriations Committee.6) Check out and consider using some of the action links on their site, and donating to them.7) Check out and consider how you might eventually need to sue the State to overturn some law that negatively impacts you. Perhaps businesses that you've used already are considering lawsuits agains the State due to its assault on our Constitutional rights. Ask them how they will proceed. Evaluate your strategy for how you will move forward.Thank you! via /r/CCW

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