Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Really random question - how many of you ride motorcycles?

So I'm actually asking this not because I'm looking for ways to conceal, or specifically about concealing while riding so I hope this post is allowed here. It may seem kind of off topic, but if you read through it all I hope you see why I wanted to post this here.Lately I've been thinking about starting to ride a motorcycle. I've had some lessons from my friend who's a cop and has been riding for over 30 years and I think I'm getting the basics down fairly well. My biggest hesitation is that I'm scared I'm going to get killed.The statistics about riding injuries and deaths are scary, no doubt. I've always considered myself to have very good situational awareness, I'm very observant, and in general I tend to be very risk adverse. That's why I, and I'm sure many of you, carry - to minimize the risk of being hurt or killed by a bad person, and part of carrying is being observant and having good situational awareness.So the reason for this post is that I was hoping some people could chime in about their experiences riding, mainly about if they've been safe while doing it, if they've ever had any accidents or injuries. My thought in asking this is to see whether people who have good situational awareness and are observant will be significantly less likely to be injured while riding than statistics may lead. Along with that, being a subreddit full of concealed carriers, it seems to follow that many of you would have great situational awareness and would be extra observant.I know this obviously isn't definitive, but I'm just looking to hear some experiences and see if people with those traits tend to fare better riding motorcycles, which would be something I'd really like to know.Thanks a ton for sharing any experiences, I really appreciate it. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2aMmVN4

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