Thursday, August 4, 2016

Maybe Boring--Almost Had to Pull

So, had my license in OK for about 4 months. Carry a .357 mag SW19-6.I'm posting this here to get thoughts from all you, as well as to kind of vent. Honestly, I'm not sure if I think this is "cool" in some way, or makes me "cool," or am genuinely upset by it on some level. I just want to post it and get it out there, because those who were around me don't seem to see any disturbing significance at all. Hope that makes sense.Anyways, my wife, her family and I were walking down the street, window shopping, seeing the sights. Blah blah. All of a sudden, we hear screaming and yelling and a guy is quickly walking towards us. He shouts violently at a couple just ahead of us. In a few seconds he's right up on us, goes toward my wife and father in law. He's clearly insane or high (or both?). He's screaming something no one can understand, and his body language is indicating that he could at any second beat the living shit out of one of us. He walks up to me, about 5-6 feet from my wife, and shouts in my face from 2-3 feet away, moving closer. My brother in law dodges him and gets behind me, 'cause he's scared, obviously.I was a little nervous, and my heart was pounding. But I didn't realize it at all. I just pushed my shirt aside and began to pull. I actually was able to think through it all, and consciously decide to start as he got closer. I'm pretty sure if he made another move toward me, I wouldn't even had thought twice about shooting him. I know what reason, pepper spray and hitting does to some forms of mentally ill people--doesn't work.Luckily, he backed off once I began to pull, going towards my wife again, and then left while I watched him, and called local PD.I didn't clear my holster--didn't have to.This all happened in the span of about 10 seconds. Him coming toward me was about 5 seconds long.Now, I feel like I was justified (he was crazy, too close and from what I know about these sorts of things, he might not have stopped with just beating me). I don't feel guilty about my reaction. But for some reason it just disturbs me that this could have ended that way, and I would have done it easily. It also makes me feel good that I was prepared and can keep a cooler head than anybody else around me. And I kind of hate that I feel good about it: it feels immature, like a kid that wants to play cowboy or some crap.It was surprising that no one around me cared afterwards, including my gun-shy wife. They didn't seem to even see the significance. Maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion. Thoughts?You can tell me I was an idiot or something. via /r/CCW

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