Friday, August 5, 2016

Close to drawing last night

So last night my wife and a friend went out dinner. As an aside all three of us have our LTCF, and myself and my friend had our firearms, but my wife did not as she planned on having a few margaritas at dinner, and while it is legal to do so in PA she does not feel comfortable drinking and carrying as she is very small and has a low alcohol tolerance. Anyway, after dinner we went back to the car, and were all standing by the car bullshitting.So, around the corner of the restaurant we start to hear a very heated argument taking place, and soon after a large man comes around the corner about 20 ft from us. Both my friend and I look in his direction and in doing so somehow provoke him into screaming at us. You know "what the fuck you bitch motherfuckers looking at" and such. We ignore him and still facing his direction I tell my wife to get in the car, and we start backing up to get in the vehicle. He is now definitely approaching us still yelling.Trying to back up and keep distance I move my hand to push back my shirt and I grab the grip on my Shield, holding up my other hand and very seriously telling him that he needs to back the fuck off. Well thank God he did and we got in the car and left.Now, later I learned that my friend who had backed up to the other side of the car to the passenger side had also pushed his shirt back and grabbed the grip on his XDS. I think it's interesting that both of us had the same unspoken reaction to the situation. But I think we both got a bit of tunnel vision, during the encounter. I have been in situations where the thought has crossed my mind that hey if this goes a certain way I may have to draw, but never like this. I read it here all the time but damn, these things happen lightening quick. As soon as I heard the yelling my thought was we should leave and bam he was coming around the corner.I like to think we did well, but I wish we would have had time to get in the car sooner and just avoided the whole encounter. Just looking for any thoughts you guys have and what we may have done differently. You all always have great insight. via /r/CCW

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