Wednesday, July 20, 2016

[Update] Almost 1 year ago I drew my gun. I asked for some help on where to go. A lot of stuff has happened since then, and I figured you guys would want to hear about some of it.

So almost a year ago, I made this post. Apparently I was also on the Concealed Nation website, which I think is pretty cool.Since then, a lot has happened with B and his sister as well as myself. B and his sister are both in prison. B was sentenced to minimum 10 years for the drugs, guns, and assault charges. His sister was sentenced to 6 years because she was a prohibited person (had a drug charge when she was younger) in possession of a firearm and drugs. I haven't been in civil court or to the police or anything at all after getting my restraining order, which I did through the contact at the DA's office.I placed some security cameras around my house that are connected to a small screen and DVR, so if anything happens, I can simply hand the cops the removable memory stick and get a new one for $10 at Walmart. I've also got a light on my pistol and an M&P Sport 2 with a light on it for home defense.On a personal note, my girlfriend is no longer my girlfriend. She's now my fiance. We are planning on getting married next September and then going on a cruise in the Caribbean for our honey moon. We may also not do the cruise and go to Spain to visit the town she was born in and see some of her extended family. I also got a new job that will turn into a career, for privacy I'll just say it's in emergency services, but its a good career with a lot of chance for advancement and the opportunity to do something I really enjoy for the rest of my life. I've been out of the academy for about 3 months now.If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for all the help and support on the sub. You guys are awesome. via /r/CCW

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