Saturday, July 30, 2016

[Genuine Question] Good guys with guns, bad guys with guns, responsibility, and trusting strangers.

Hello all. I have a genuine question for those of you who carry. I'm not trolling or looking to argue. I want to talk with real people who carry guns on their person most of the time and get your opinions. I'm hoping that this thread won't instantly be downvoted to oblivion by the title, but I suspect it will. Anyway:I personally don't have an issue with someone carrying for self defense. If push came to shove, I'll admit I'd rather be standing by someone with a gun in the event of a violent occurrence (violent robbery, shooting, etc) rather than someone who isn't carrying, and I think a lot of people would agree, including those who are very strongly anti-gun.My issue is definitely a people problem and not a gun problem, but I'm still curious what you all think. When I walk by a guy in a store or wherever and notice he's carrying, how do I know I can trust this guy to act responsibly? How do I know he's not going to stick me up with that gun in the parking lot or something?And my big question is, if I'm standing near that guy when fit hits the shan (say an armed robbery or something) and this guy swoops in to save the day, how can I trust that he's not going to miss and kill me or someone else? The gun carrying guy, in an attempt to stop a would-have-been robbery, may now wind up killing an innocent person or two because he thinks he's Dirty Harry. You know what I'm saying?Again, my issue is totally a people issue and not a gun issue. People kill people, guns don't kill anyone. But that said, what can I do, and what are you all doing to ensure that those who carry can be trusted and don't give a bad rep to those who carry? I know every person is different, obviously and that there isn't a fix-all solution, but it's definitely something that concerns me every time I walk by someone who's packing. Is there a solution at all other than carrying a gun myself and hoping that I shoot faster?tl;dr - I have no reason to trust that a stranger who's carrying a gun won't use it against me, or handle it poorly and kill an innocent person. What can be done about this? via /r/CCW

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