Friday, July 29, 2016

Best Last Resort Daily Carry other than Firearm

I live in a dangerous area, I do not want to use a weapon, but would like to be prepared to fend off an attacker if I am at risk of serious harm. I avoid dangerous situations and places as best I can, and would train myself with whatever I am to choose. I think a daily carry knife would be nice, but CCW threads and most people will agree it is not a great self defense tool. A night stick is too conspicuous and I'm not keen on mace. I'm leaning towards a fixed blade neck knife small enough to carry on my neck. Any opinions on what a good CCW weapon would be? I am unable to have a gun in Colorado due to Medical Marijuana Cardholder Restrictions.

Submitted July 30, 2016 at 01:25AM by Ericules

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