Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I got pulled over today, and had a wonderful interaction.

I was on my way home from the range/gun club. I was on my way home from a range trip, and had 5 guns in the car, including the one at my waist. I was following traffic, and we're going down a large hill with a fairly steep incline that's more than half a mile long. I also drive a Mercury with very heavily tinted windows, and people comment that looks like either an undercover cop's car, or a drug dealer's. So, I see lights, pull over, and have my hands on the steering wheel and wallet in my lap when the officer comes over. It was a young Pennsylvania state officer in a black unmarked SUV.He asked for my license and registration, and my wet, muddy dog was going crazy in the back seat, barking and trying to climb over my left shoulder so the nice police officer could pet him. I apologized for the dog, and he laughed, and said it was fine, and I immediately said "Before I do, I have a licensed firearm on me, and several more in the back." I know I don't have a duty to inform in Pennsylvania, but in light of recent events, I don't want to end up in a situation where he sees it and thinks I'm hiding something from him. I'd rather be open and upfront. We're also in a pretty rural, redneck area (I pulled over next to a corn field), and my blaze orange Browning baseball cap is a pretty dead giveaway about what I like to do in my spare time.He actually laughed. He said, "That's fine. If you don't touch it, we won't have a problem," and gave me a big smile. He didn't visibly tense at all, and I visibly relaxed when I realized he was going to be cool about it.I gave him my paperwork, and about 30 seconds he came back. I put my hands on the wheel again when he approached and kept them there, and he said, "You were doing 60 in a 45 zone. I pulled you over because residents have been complaining. Because you were so cooperative, I'm going to let you go with a warning. Slow it down." While he said about me being cooperative, he nodded towards my hands on the wheel. I thanked him several times, told him to have a nice day, and left.Man, it's awesome being white.I actually thought about calling the local barracks and commenting that the officer was so great. He was polite, pleasant, and professional. He didn't overreact to the presence of firearms, and he didn't totally ruin my day, when he really could have. via /r/CCW

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