Sunday, July 31, 2016

Confirmed: security hand wands at events are for show

I have read here a few times that hand wands are not effective or just for show, but yesterday I had a chance to test myself at a concert.I was not carrying, and security seemed tighter than a few years ago when we just walked in . Everyone was being checked with the wand + bag checks. I was in line with my wife who tells me she feels confident none with weapons is getting in. I mention to her the wands are probably for show, and offered her the test. They were asking everything off pockets into a plate. I had a large clump of keys and other metal jingles in my pocket and told her I will let them there as a test. She felt I was going to be caught. She goes first, then my turn comes. I leave my metal bulge in my pocket, and drop cellphone and wallet in bin. Guy scans me with the wand, and nothing. No beep from wand, and the guy missed the lump visually. I might as well was carrying anything metal. Wife clearly surprised and annoyed, but I was waived in clean.If the ticket were not so darn expensive i would have tried the real test, because the signs don't carry the force of law in MA. Maybe another day...I feel this is just a big show to make people feel safe and scare off a would be troublemaker, for now. The venue did have cops and felt secure, I just wanted to point out the anecdotal evidence that wands are show toys, not real tools. via /r/CCW

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