Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Would you have shot this dog?

Back story: I live in an upper middle class town known for being quite liberal, and has made national news for arresting legal concealed carry permit holders. I got my state permit in a different town before moving to this town so I was grandfathered in, but this town generally doesnt issue to many CCW permits.Today: Today I was visiting a friend at work carrying my Glock 42 IWB. She asked if I could go across the street to the store and buy something for her. It is a very busy 4 way street, but I found a gap in traffic and jogged across. No sooner did I cross than a large dog (looked like black lab/rottweiler mix) came running down a driveway. It was barking, snarling, and its ears pinned back. Very clearly acting aggressively and was in a full sprint towards me which started about 100 feet away. I started to back pedal when the dog got to about 50 feet, when I realized I would be out in traffic if I went any further. I made myself large and yelled "HEY STOP!" while I cleared my shirt and got my hand to my firearm. The dog came to a screeching halt about 10 feet from me. It continued to bark and growl, and I called up to the owner to call her dog back. She barely did anything so I quickly turned and went into the store without taking my eyes off of it.However I keep running through the scenario in my head. I probably wouldn't have gotten a shot off if it had gotten any closer and I didn't draw. However I am very apprehensive about dispatching a dog before giving any verbal commands. My pistol permit instructor said that warning shots are bad in this state because you cant use lethal force unless you have no other option so using a warning shot shows that you weren't imminently in danger. via /r/CCW

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