Friday, July 29, 2016

Does anyone think there will ever be a time in Europe where their citizens will be able to CC and the right to protect themselves again?

Every day I hear about attack after attack in Germany, France, and a few other European countries whether it be with a firearm, knife, a fucking truck, etc. When an attack happens in the U.S., the first thing that is brought up is more gun control or just flat out banning firearms in general. When an attack happens in Europe, a place where it's next to impossible to own a firearm, no one seems to bat an eye on these illegally acquired firearms that were used, whether they were handguns, rifles, semi-automatic, automatic or what.Gun-control advocates here will say that we're failing to protect the people because we allow these firearms to be legal to the law-abiding public, but I don't hear them say shit about any terrorist attacks where the terrorists manage to illegally acquire a firearm that no one in that country could legally acquire in the first place. I've heard gun control advocates say how the Nice attack was used with a truck and not a gun, but there's just two things I have about that. One, are we gonna ban trucks now? No we're not because trucks don't kill people (now I guess driverless trucks maybe could in the future, but we're not really trying to protect our right to own self-operating firearms and turrets are we). And two, how exactly did the Nice terrorist get taken down again? Right, by a gun after cops found him. After he killed 80+ people. What about the guy in Germany who brought an axe on a train and attacked 4-5 people? Right, brought down by a gun after cops found him.I just can't understand the mental gymnastics some of these people play where U.S. tragedies can be fixed by banning guns but European tragedies, where guns are pretty much all banned, don't show the flaw that if someone wants something bad enough, they will get it. Someone planning to do something illegal isn't going to care about acquiring the tools to do so legally.One day I hope Europe can give some rights back to its citizens to protect themselves, however impossible that may seem. Does anyone think that with everything that's going on there, there may be a chance that the people will get fed up enough and vote in people who want CC laws (or the legalization of firearms in general for law abiding citizens)?I know this is /r/CCW so it's not really focused on, say, all firearms such as rifles (unless you actually CC one?). I'm just furious because everyone tries to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens whenever something happens here, but say nothing when something happens over there with the same policies they want to put in place. We lose either;dr How can gun control advocates be so hypocritical, saying U.S. tragedies can be prevented by banning firearms while at the same time Europe has even deadlier terrorist attacks where firearms are pretty much all banned? Do you think Europe will ever grant citizens the right to truly protect themselves again? via /r/CCW

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