Saturday, July 30, 2016

TIFU by getting be be safer with my firearm when not carrying.

For those who don't know TIFU means today I fucked up. The f****** actually happened on Thursday when I got paid.I was tired of leaving my Glock 19 in my center console whenever I had to enter a building that I was not allowed to carry in. A friend of mine did this for a while and someone smashed his window and took his firearm without a problem. Fearing this I decided I would buy a small lock box to keep in my car. I did not want to spend too much so I went to my local Dick's Sporting Goods and bought a $20 Stack-On 3 digit travel case.I took it out to my car read the instructions and change the combination to what I wanted. Then I fastened the cable that came with the safe to my passenger seat. At this point I hadn't even tried to see if my Glock would fit in the safe so I put it in and shut the case. It was a nice fit. I then wanted to retrieve my gun do I put in my new combination and turned the knob. It didn't budge.At first i thought no problem maybe the original 0-0-0 would work. Nope. So now I'm worried.I took it home because I figured some combination had to work. So I sat in my car and tried every combination 0-0-0 to 9-9-9, nothing worked. At this point I am pissed! I grab a prybar from my tool box and decide to brute forced it open. I slipped the edge of the prybar into the corner of the case and with no effort what so ever the case popped open.This made me the furious. I understand for $20 it is what you get but I figured I would have to at least TRY to get it open. Looking deeper I realized the locking mechanism is made of plastic. I didn't even bother trying to take it back to Dick's because I was so angry. via /r/CCW

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