Saturday, July 30, 2016

The one time I didn't have it... (MN)

I live in Minneapolis, MN, and as some know, we have a large Somalian population. I have often ran with my CCW in a smart carry holster and for some reason tonight I did not. My wife wanted to go for a run and we were in a rush so I grabbed my shorts and left my gun at home.As we were running back after a few miles, two Somalian guys walked towards us at a stoplight. One of them started yelling at my wife asking if she liked me and if she "gave it to me good". He walked right up to her and I pulled her back. He had his hand in his pocket and could have pulled out a knife or anything.The light turned green immediately after he said that and I told him to fuck off and we kept running. He had asked if she was with me, and I fully believe something worse could have happened if I wasn't there. Its always tough to decide whether to disarm a person like that or run, but thankfully I didnt have to decide. Situations like this happen all the time and I will not be leaving for a run downtown without my CCW anymore, and my wife will not be running alone.If anything this makes me angry at out politicians. They advocate for people like this to be brought here and at the same time for our gun rights to be taken away.TL:DR: BRING YOUR CCW WITH YOU WHEN YOU CAN. via /r/CCW

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