Thursday, July 28, 2016

How did you broach the topic of ccw with your employer?

My employer has it specifically written within the employee handbook that no weapons of any kind are permitted on property or within assigned company vehicle property which applies in my case. Parking lot storage is permitted within a private vehicle, which does not apply to me.I live in a very friendly gun state and the organization itself is very much gun friendly with a plethora of hunters and overall country minded staff and leadership.I'm certain that this is merely a liability insurance based decision. I comprehend 'concealed is concealed' though at this stage in life and family I'm unwilling to risk losing this job given a number of reasons, career path and current salary being the strongest.I am however, willing to broach the topic with leadership and ultimately respect whatever comes of it. I would feel better knowing that I brought the topic forward than to just assume their inability to change, regardless of probability.Have you brought this topic forward with any success? Do you have any recommended talk tracks? What are your experiences? via /r/CCW

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