Sunday, July 24, 2016

Basic Fundamentals of winning a gunfight.

Been wanting to post about this for a while. Everyone one has their own opinion and their own mental strategy. I just wanted to get your guys thoughts, get a conversation going. Just the act of writing about this is helping me find where I need to be in my continuous mental preparation process. Hopefully engaging others in this conversation will help them as well. I’m going to focus my thoughts solely on a close range (for me this means 10 to 40 meters depending on the environment/obstacles/situation) pistol gunfight. In my opinion, anything closer than 10 meters (open environment) the winning principles are more based on speed/violence of action than anything else. Other than military training, I haven't learned any techniques by way of taking a class with a pistol fighting expert. So lets get to it.Lets assume our adversary is someone else that’s also trained to use a firearm well, because that’s the standard we should train to. I like to keep the fundamentals simple and concrete, although imagination is always encouraged. I feel that being in a defensive mindset is almost asking to lose. The moment that gunfight begins, or the moment you know it will begin shortly, your mindset needs to be offensive. Offensive combat is the most powerful form of combat because it provides you the opportunity to dictate what your adversary does. Instead of you defensively responding to his movement/suppression/advancement, you have the ability to dictate his movement/actions. This is a rule of war that spans all the way from conquering nations down to a simple gunfight, like Blitzkrieg. The succession of events go like this:Recognize the lethal threat/threatsGain fire superiority (force him to take cover/look away/flinch/turn and run/move faster than he can accurately shoot, because the volume of rounds he is receiving is more than he's delivering)Accurate suppression (once you have the upper hand, continuously deliver rounds that ensure you keep that upper hand, any lull in the fight provides him the opportunity to gain fire superiority)Close the Distance (It’s easier to kill people when they’re close to you. Also, the caliber of gunfighter you’re most likely to face won’t expect this.)Flank/Envelop (if possible make your final approach from an angle, preferably the most unexpected angle)Search/Assess (make sure he’s dead, look for additional threats)For video reference, although it’s unfortunate, the Dallas shooter that killed that cop behind the pillar followed these principles perfectly. Here’s a link, I believe it starts about 38 seconds in. will be scared, more scared than ever, harness that energy, turn it into hate and project it on your enemy. Don’t forget to win the gunfight! You’re there to win, you are the aggressor now, cheat, make him respond to your movements, control the tempo, suppress, close the distance and shoot that fucker in his fucking face. Mindset, speed, skill, and violence of action is what separates winners from losers in any fight. via /r/CCW

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