Friday, July 22, 2016

Another "I almost drew" story

Well technically, I unholstered, but out of sight.I figured y'all enjoyed tales of close encounters, do here goes:I was heading to an animal control clinic with my dog. He bit my mother's neighbor while I was at work. They needed to make sure he wasn't psychotic. Now, I try to stay away from big cities like Houston as much as possible, mainly due to traffic (being stuck in traffic with a soft-top Jeep in summer is no fun). I'm unfamiliar with the area, so I'm relying on my GPS to find my destination.As soon as I turned down a road, my GPS said I was in the wrong Lane. Oops. I threw on my blinkers, let the next guy behind me go, and slowly switched lanes. The lovely gentleman behind me had attempted to accelerate to close the gap. After visibly seeing his truck reel forward, I hear him honking and what sounds like him yelling. Sure enough, I see his head stuck pretty far out his window.Now here's where I screw up. I stuck my arm out as far as I could reach it, flipped him off, followed by my yelling at him "Too fucking bad!". Yes, I realize it was dumb and very immature, and anger had won that round.As I'm making what appears to be a designated left/u-turn, I wait in line to make the U-turn with this guy behind me. The gentleman opens up his door, and proceeds to get out. I am now trapped between two vehicles.I unbuckle and open the door, taking one foot outside my Jeep. I'm panicking, because I seriously never thought I would actually get into some altercation. I unholstered my gun, but out of his line of sight. I took a glance behind to get a sense of my surroundings, and sweet Jesus the car in front of me is about to go. Fuck it, I'm out. I throw my gun between the seats and floor it, door still open and all, speeding off as much as a 4 banger would let me.Besides the obvious pissing off other people part, and the unneeded panick, what would you've done different?On a side note, I've tried mentally preparing myself for anything that comes my way, but when it actually happened, it ask went out the window. How does one actually condition themselves to deal with these situations? via /r/CCW

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