Monday, October 7, 2019

Mounted vs handheld light? (My experience)

I had an experience recently that has me reconsidering my stance on a weapon mounted flashlight. Nothing crazy, just that I was in a situation that required me to actually use a handheld flashlight instead of my usual mounted pistol light.The other day my girlfriend (GF) got home before me and found the front door ajar (the door/lock is funny and has to be secured closed manually and it’s been found ajar before so this isn’t a major red flag). GF, having just finished Mindhunter and assuming BTK was waiting for her inside, called me from the driveway as I was headed home to asked me to check the house. I understood her concern so upon arriving I took in hand my daily carry Glock 43 and Streamlight Protac and went inside to check the house. Let me preface, I did not go inside to “clear the house” with my gun, and I had no reason to believe someone was actually inside. If I did, I would have had us both remained outside and called the police to investigate. Similarly, had I actually encountered someone I would have immediately retreated from the house without engaging and contacted police. I believe in carrying a gun for protection but I also believe the gun is the last tool to use when escape is no longer an option.All that said, I wanted to ensure the house was in fact safe for her so I had my tools with me if that wasn’t the case. Now normally to check for bumps in the night I’d use my full size pistol with a mounted light that I keep by the bedside in a quick open safe but being that I was coming from outside I had to use the tools available to me to check the house. This meant searching with my flashlight in one hand and keeping in the other hand my pistol low and to my side as I went through each room. After entering the house, I announced to any potential burglar that I was armed and was giving them the opportunity to leave safely without consequence, then I checked each room and found nothing out of order.My take away from all this was how advantageous it was to direct my light separately from my pistol during my search, thus not requiring me to point my pistol in every direction that I was searching or depending on the “spill” of my weapon mounted light to illuminate the area. Additionally, had I encountered say a family member that had let themselves in, my pistol was somewhat to my side and could be kept discreetly out of view, and not pointed at them in order to illuminate/identify them.I’ve always been under the impression that a weapon mounted light on your home defense pistol was gospel, but this little exercise had me seeing the benefits of separating the weapon from the light. I felt I had better control of my search light, safer orientating of my pistol and not much hindrance when opening doors/turning on lights. Had I needed to fire, I felt at that spitting distance the one handed grip would’ve performed with negligible difference to a proper two handed grip. I still keep a light on my HD pistol and “spill” the light to illuminate the area but am considering replacing the mounted light with a handheld larger flashlight. Has anyone had an experience that changed or vindicated their tactics when it comes to lights? I’d appreciate any feedback as I’m trying to become safer and more confident in my tools. via /r/CCW

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