Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Went to NYC recently and first time ever I felt uncomfortable knowing there were no good guys with guns. Anyone ever felt that way when traveling?

So I’m from Oklahoma. You couldn’t go to a crowded place without a third of the adult population not carrying. It’s something I’ve never thought about but I just realized how that’s a comforting feeling. We don’t really have mass shooters around here because everyone knows that everyone has a gun. Last one I can think of was in OKC about two years ago and ended about 30 seconds after it started when two armed citizens shot and killed the assailant before he could do much damage.So went to NYC recently and as we all know it isn’t a friendly place at all for guns or concealed carry so I left my gun at home. But being on the street with thousands of people around, or in a theatre packed with a few hundred other people, or in a restaurant with a couple hundred people, or packed in a subway like a sardine (you get it)... I just kept thinking about how easy of a target this was. Hundreds or thousands of people, close proximity, none are armed.It’s the first time I realized how much safer I feel at crowded spaces in my state.Does anyone else ever think about this when they travel to gun free zones? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2N05rid

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