Thursday, October 31, 2019

Combat Vet Don’t know where to post.

Shooting someone:90% of people I meet that eventually find out I am a combat veteran (Army 11B HMMV 240 Gunner Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan 2008) that I end up comfortable with enough to expose this information. [I am by no means claiming to be a badass,Rambo, spec op or even your run of the mill mall ninja/ airsoft larper)How to make a Vet uncomfortable:Q: “Did you kill anyone?”A: “Yes” - you look at me like a monster while trying to reserve your judgementA: “ No” - you expect better ‘war stories’ and wonder what BS job I didExplanation: This makes any vet uncomfortable. Either I did kill enemy combatants and you think I am a monster OR I didn’t and you think I didn’t earn my ‘stripes’. Every Vet that did his/her time deserves the respect of volunteering for their country and does not need you criticism to validate that.Q: “Did you kill anyone?”A: “Yes”Q: “How many?”A: “Enough”Explanation: Ok you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve been trusted with the information that I have had to take another humans life. I am not proud of this and this is not an easy thing to live with. I truly have to live and cope with this everyday of my life; I do not want to justify this to you or anyone. The number of human lives taken in combat is irrelevant.Q: “How did it feel to shoot someone?”A: “ You have to do what you have to do”Explanation: If you have not done this, this is not a conversation for you. The thought process upon taking someone’s life is not a feeling. It’s a decision of who will live and who will die ( me vs you) The ‘winner’ is on the receiving end of these questions. We can go down the rabbit hole but in the end me and my friends trump you and your chaotic AK fire and half ass IED attempts.With all of this said I am willing to answer and relevant and mature questions. This isn’t a CCW situation but I have had to use a weapon for to defend my life and I feel I can answer some of those related questions.BTW CCW Glock 19.5 MOS Venom, trl7. via /r/CCW

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