Monday, October 7, 2019

I'll bite, let's talk about belly bands.

So, barring me getting chewed out by CCW perfectionists, I've got a couple questions for my fellow carriers.Just how un-tactical are belly bands for EDC? I know, I know, it's very ashamed in the gun community. But hear me out. I work commercial/residential HVAC, plus a lot of handyman sidework and I definitely end up running into spooks all the time.I've got CCW training and have been carrying as consistently as possible for about two years now. In my field, in can be a little difficult to constantly carry. Plenty of variables effect my day, where am I going? What's the weather like? What do I need to wear today? I've been using an IWB holster for my Bodyguard .380 forever. I've got no issues with this holster, obviously no ND's, it's secure, doesn't move around etc. But I'm always fucking sweating.I regularly clean my gun even if I haven't shot it, at least once a week. But I've just been getting nervous that eventually all the sweat and grime will fuck it up.Money is tight at the moment, this is for now the only gun my family and I have. So in order to avoid the sweating, grime, printing, etc... I went to Walmart... Yes, I know, Walmart... And got a belly band for like $14.And so far so good. I've used it for two days now, I've got no more printing issues, sweat affecting the gun has drastically decreased. It also opens me up to carry a spare mag. Which is a nice little touch.I've practiced drawing and firing with it already. Definitely noticed my draw time reduced by a couple seconds. I'll keep practicing, though.I guess my question is... Am I completely fucking retarded for wanting to commit to a belly band? What would you say are the biggest drawbacks to having one? Anyone here works very physical labor and found a better solution for sweating?Apologies for the long post or if this belongs in the SQT. If it doesn't belong here I'll take it down. Thanks. via /r/CCW

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