Thursday, December 8, 2016

My first and hopefully only time being outed in public

So Monday is the first time I am 100% sure someone else knew I was carrying. I have been carrying for going on a year and a half now, normally I carry a Glock 19 IWB with a Stealth Gear Mini at about 3 O'Clock. Monday I was using my 'deeper" concealed rig, a Glock 43 in a regular SG Onyx holster @ 4 O'Clock, with a shirt tucked in-between the clips and holster due to being "suited up". For the presentation I decided to take my sport coat off because it was hot as all fuck in this meeting. How people sit in a 78 degree room wearing literal winter coats, I do not know. I digress.I was presenting a new product launch to a group of clients. By a stroke of luck, or unluck the guy sitting closest to where I was standing was a fellow concealed carrier.To my half horror before it all began and most of the people were enthralled in conversation he motioned to one of my belt clips and said "I do it too" and patted his 3:30. At first I thought my shirt had come untucked and I was exposed but a quick soft hand slide over the area revealed it was tucked. I checked the mirror before the meeting and I was not printing. This was one of those mythical guys we all fear but know exist who actually looks for clips. I just smiled and nodded to him, nothing further was said. Looking closer a couple of more times during the meeting I could not make out his clips but I could make out the slight bulge on the 3:30 of his pants where his carry gun, by the size a Glock 19 sized or larger carry piece was located.I am not super close to this specific guy so I am just crossing my fingers he does not have a big mouth to mention this to other people who work for the client company. I don't think it was a problem but I don't advertise to others that I carry.So yeah, TL:DR Concealed Carry people can spot other concealed carry people somewhat easily. Please if you do just smile but don't give your fellow carrier a heart attack by pointing to them in public. via /r/CCW

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