Thursday, December 8, 2016

Did I handle it OK?

Trying to get some insight into what I did was OK and how I could have handled it better.

Long story short, my wife's friend who is staying with us came home late last night. She parked across the street and I guess some shady guy (drunk? high?) started coming up to her car and so she locked it. He then started trying the door handles and really freaking her out. She called me and I immediately got out of bed, threw pants on, grabbed my gun and flashlight and ran out.

By the time I got out there he was like 10ft away half hiding behind the corner of a house. I shined the light (it's hella bright) into his face to get a better look at him and blind him. (This whole time i kept the gun in my pants, I didn't want to escalate the situation unless I had to)

As soon as I see him I act real tough and start yelling at him and trying to be intimidating so he'll go away. A minute of that and me calling the cops and he starts meandering away. Cops do a patrol but can't find him.

So did I handle it OK? I guess nobody got hurt and he left, so that's the best outcome.

But I keep thinking, should I have brought my mace and sprayed him so the cops can nag him, or shoudl I have brought my tazer (not the gun that shoots) cause it's crazy loud and scary to try and intimidate him? Or is that just a myth?

Thinking back there are so many ways I could have handled it and different weapons, I don't know if there is a better, recommended way to approach this. On one hand I like the gun because it's no joke and if he's got a knife or whatnot I'm prepared, but I don't want to just go waving it around, so maybe the tazer is good for the scare factor or the mace to actually use it without it being lethal?

Thank you for your insight!

Submitted December 08, 2016 at 11:26AM by throwayyyy1

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