Friday, December 30, 2016

(long) Friend of mine was in a very dangerous situation last night and responded perfectly, then got very lucky.

Friend of mine who doesn't have his ccw but wants to get it could have easily been killed last night. Crazy thing is just a few days ago we were discussing the deadly force triangle and on opportunity I cited being in your vehicle and to just escape; even if that means running someone over.Well last night he ran someone over in his big ass lifted F-250.He pulled into a gas station to get gas and a bunch of "hood" cars pulled into the other pumps but no one got out to go in or pump gas. My friend was on his phone and received 3 calls back to back and so he did not exit his vehicle. After about 15 minutes of him not getting out, 3 african americans surrounded his truck. One in front, one in back, and one at his window.The one at his window ordered him to get out of his vehicle; when he said no the one in front slammed his hand on my friends hood. They ordered him out of his vehicle again and he floored it and ran over the guy in front.He would have left and drove away but immediately after he ran over the guy a mini-van dashed into position to block his exit. Also at that time the three assailants began running after his vehicle (guy he ran over was saved by a combination of being skinny and his truck being lifted). So he stops and throws it in reverse, and almost ran all 3 of them over.This is where he got ridiculously lucky. At that moment, a cop pulled in to get coffee. Officer drew his weapon and made them assume the position. Officer also had his weapon drawn on my friend because his first impression was a drug deal gone bad. The minivan and all the other vehicles got outta dodge and a bunch of police arrived to deal with the 3 assailants. They found guns on them and what appeared to be drugs.One of the men being arrested resisted and got slammed into the ground. A gas station employee who was recording this on their phone then starts yelling police brutality and black lives matter.Friend is shaken, but is physically and legally ok. via /r/CCW

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