Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Just another story where a firearm prevented a possible crime.

This was a few months ago, but I thought I'd throw it on r/CCW.I was driving back to Pittsburgh from State College, PA. It was about 1AM, and I was getting drowsy at the wheel. I decided to just pull over to the side of the road and take a quick nap before continuing.I pulled my car off the shoulder and into the grass to avoid any accidents. To my left was the road, and to my right was a large hill, maybe 15-20 feet tall. I soon woke up after only 10 minutes with the hairs on the back of my neck prickling, and a vague sense of unease. I dismissed it as paranoia and fatigue, and decided that I felt well enough to continue. I needed to take a piss, so I got out and walked to the passenger side of my car for a bit of privacy.It should be mentioned that the highway was nearly empty, and I hadn't seen another car drive past since I awoke from my nap. While I was relieving myself, I heard some branches and leaves crackle from the direction of the hill. My disoriented mind dismissed it as some animal or perhaps the wind blowing debris around. However, the crackling resolved into distinct footsteps, and mid-piss I looked up at the hill to see a person walking towards me.In the darkness I couldn't make out much beyond his dark hoodie (hood up), but there was no doubt he was walking down the hill straight for me. My tired mind didn't immediately realize the sketchiness of the situation, and I just called out a timid "can I help you?" to which the person didn't respond. It then clicked that this person had no legitimate business approaching me in the middle of bumfuck nowhere on the highway at 1 o'clock in the morning, and my sense of unease escalated into panic. I yelled "fucking stop right there," which he ignored, so I reached and yanked my Glock 43 out of my unbuttoned pants. I one-hand aimed at the guy (my other hand was holding my gentleman's sausage), putting the tritium front sight square between his shoulders. I shouted "I'm armed, don't come any closer," which finally got his attention -- he turned around and ran pell-mell back up the embankment and disappeared over the hill.At this point I was freaked out and I buttoned my pants one-handed and ran back to my car, turned the engine over, and floored it back onto the highway. Along the way I called the PA State Police and reported the incident, but they said there's too little information to do much about it.Looking back on the incident, I actually find it kind of funny -- I was literally caught with my pants down by someone who 99% wanted to do me harm. I realize that stopping on the side of the road is a bad idea unless in case of emergency, and I'll definitely be taking my road trip breaks in brightly lit service plazas and gas stations rather than on the side of a highway at 1AM. What do you guys think about the way I handled this incident? via /r/CCW

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