Monday, December 12, 2016

I oddly enough wasn't carrying today, not sure how to feel?

Driving to work guy blows his lid because I need to get in his lane. He doesn't care my signal is on and I'm waiting to be allowed in. He brakes while I brake and speeds when I do. Basically he refuses to allow me in and he's going to make a stink about it. I brake hard, get in behind him and dude slams his brakes obviously I'm expecting it, welcome to Miami. I flip the guy the bird and we pull to the stop. Dude jumps out of the car. I immediately reach to appendix - oops, I decided today I wouldn't carry.I was running out the door thinking of yesterday my wife was a little naggy that I carry even when visiting my parents etc. I said "f it, ill leave it" since I don't carry in work (guarded parking lot so it's fine to leave in the lockbox under my seat every day). I've been carrying with a permit since 2006. First time something happens where I need to reach and I don't have it which is rare in itself. The guy looked frustrated. I felt my life was in danger. I would have drawn if I was carrying. Not sure how I feel, I could have killed a man and been dealing with a world of paperwork..I ended up telling the dude off as he walked up to my window (rolled down). Called him an idiot for having a problem with someone politely asking to get in the lane. A few other indescribable gestures and phrases were traded. I told him to get his issues fixed I laughed and told him to get out of my way at that point I knew he was not carrying, and not willing to fight. I drove around him and that was that. Clean cut, professional looking mid 40s guy.I'm glad I didn't have to fight either but I'm much happier I wasn't carrying today, I think? via /r/CCW

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