Monday, December 5, 2016

I had a "damsel in distress" adventure tonight.

Tonight at 11:05pm I met Leslie. Leslie is a lady, around sixty, who was riding her bike to Safeway for a late night craving. I first heard Leslie riding up from behind and to the right. Being the person I am, I turned to visually address the person that was fast approaching. That's when Leslie fell. Leslie didn't acknowledge if she was fine when I asked, but replied with "Can I walk with you? Are you a safe person?" That's when I noticed the newer red Jeep Cherokee with limousine tint sitting at the intersection. The same vehicle I had seen backing up the roadway earlier into on coming traffic. She had been trying to get away from this creep for a solid 4 blocks. This vehicle was apparently looking for her as she hid in the bushes by my apartments driveway. The occupant(s) of the vehicle were not deterred by my presence at first. They continued to play their little game as we walked together. Drive by slowly, stop in the middle of the road, watch. It wasn't until I put myself out there physically did this vehicle drive off for good. I'm not sure if it was my ugly mug that chased them away, my Tom Selleck like mustache, or the fact that my Walther is visible when I unzip my jacket. Either way, I'm glad I was able to help Leslie feel safer. I walked Leslie to Safeway where we parted ways and continued on my journey. I hope she got back home okay. I cant help but think, what if I hadn't had the urge to go on a random walk? Would I be reading about Leslie in the paper, instead of walking with her to the store? I'm not sure how Leslie feels about the 2nd Amendment, I didn't ask. For me however, tonight reiterates why I choose to carry. I don't leave my house thinking, "John Wayne motha fuckas! YEE YEE!" I go out with a sense of self preparedness. Because shit like this happens. I fully believe whatever plans this vehicle had, they were willing to carry them out with me present. Until they saw I was not a helpless victim, which in turn made Leslie not a helpless victim. I guess that's all I have for my late night soap box. Be safe friends. via /r/CCW

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