Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Successful Resistance in Armed Robberies?

I think if it was possible to just give up the valuables and stay unhurt in every robbery this would be a non-issue as almost all of us would just comply and live another day. But unfortunately as we know a high % of robbers for whatever inexplicable evil reason still shoot the victims after all their demands have been met. This creates a big incentive for us to resist forcefully because we don't know if the bad guy will feel like shooting us anyway or not.The main problem with resisting is that in 99% of cases the bad guys come on the scene with weapons drawn and pointed. That means drawing on them immediately is suicidal.I've watched lots of CCTV footage of citizens successfully resisting armed robberies. I think I've picked up on some general principles but just wanted to confirm with you guys.Initially comply or appear to comply with their demands. Appear non-threatening, arms in the air/etc.Wait for them to get distracted.Remove yourself out of direct line of fire and preferably get cover.They shouldn't see you drawing because they're either distracted, turned away or their view is obscured. via /r/CCW

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