Saturday, August 20, 2016

Going to the movies...

Hey there guys and gals! First time poster here. Just had an interesting experience last night and thought if anyone would get a kick out of it, you fine people would.So my lady and I decide to go to the movies. So we decide to go see Star Trek, which we both thoroughly enjoyed.So like any smart movie goer, we go to the dollar tree for drinks and candy. Lady has a large purse so we always sneak stuff in because who wants to pay those incredibly inflated prices!So we get the tickets and start walking to the 16yo ticket taking kid. Now I notice a LEO standing in the immediate area, not weird or anything really but he was wearing a vest which I thought to be a little excessive. The kid says "hey sir I think you dropped your ticket!" So now I have to go back and pick that up off the floor. Now I'm carrying my Glock 43 aiwb in a Concealment Express kydex holster, which FYI I could not be more pleased with! So I have to try to bend over in a nonsuspicious way because it's uncomfortable for me to bend that far over carrying appendix. Mission accomplished.It ended up being a piece of the receipt. No biggie.So the kid takes the tickets and we joke a second. And he looks at my girlfriend and says"But we are doing checks tonight on all large bags."So she says"No, I have personal things in there""Well then I can't let you in.""What are you going to do if you find something?""If it's candy I'm not going to care, we are looking for drugs and weapons."I just kinda chuckle and she goes "Oh ok."They check quick and we are on our way. As we are walking down the empty hallway to the theatre I chuckle again and my girlfriend goes "What?""Oh I just think it's funny they check your purse for drugs or weapons when I have a loaded gun in my waist band."So we enjoy the movie and eat out smuggled in candy and and drink our drinks.It was just one of those times that reassures me about carry because of how easy it was to get it in even with their "security" checks. It's when stuff like this happens I ask myself "How many other people where in there carrying? How easy would it be for someone to do this with the intent to do bad and cause harm?" Just makes me feel better about carrying because I have to comfort of being able to protect myself in a bad situation.TL:DR went through a security check at the movies where they only checked my girlfriends bag for drugs or weapons when I was carrying. via /r/CCW

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