Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Armchair quarterback time: Atlanta gas station shooting

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GwsO88hPdsAlright so this video has been making rounds the past 24 hours. Not a situation most people from /r/ccw would find themselves in, but there are elements of a self defense scenario are present.I'm not lawyer and don't care to discuss the various legal/illegal elements of the scenario. Not sure what the background is but judging by their social media the guy driving the Charger sells recreational drugs (GF has posts of oxy on IG). Pretty sure this post will bring out a few of /r/ccw's resident racists, hopefully discussion doesn't veer in that direction.Things I'm pretty sure this video reinforces:Situational awareness. Guy driving the Charger immediately recognized what was going on, didn't hesitate, didn't break stride, didn't tip off "the aggressor" that he was going to retrieve a weapon.If your gun isn't on you, you don't have a gun. Guy driving the Charger had to retrieve his gun from the car. What if the "aggressor" decided to start shooting earlier?If you can leave the situation just leave. Not going to try to find the post right now, but a well known author said CCWers attempt to find all the hypothetical situations where they get to use their gun, so when they get into a situation the automatic response is "get my gun" as opposed to find all other possible avenues/alternatives. At 0:35 I'm thinking the guy could've just got in his car and left.If you're drawing/displaying your firearm you should probably be shooting. Always a point of contention for people. When I did a tour of a FBI field office one of the first things an agent told my group was "If we pull our firearms we are doing it because we're going to shoot someone." Several people in the group took issue with the obviously over exaggerated statement, as they didn't understand the sentiment. The FBI Agent explained that if you're in a situation that calls for a firearm, chances are you should be shooting. Firearms aren't negotiation tools and the FBI Agent said they aren't police officers. If they're drawing it's because there's a credible and immediate threat.So for starters the aggressor approached and made it known he had a firearm, but didn't use it. Charger guy retrieved his firearm, didn't use it, and it ended up getting bystanders shot. Again, I don't really care about the legality of the entire situation just pointing out guys waving guns around and not shooting before the other guy did ended up getting themselves/friends shot.Carry with a round in the chamber. Another point of contention for some. The aggressor literally went into a situation in Condition 3, then when the tables were turned on him he didn't have a round ready to go. If Charger guy was intent on shooting him it would've been a done deal, no chance to shoot back.Only hits count. A lot of shooting and a lot of misses. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2bfBXqC

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