Monday, August 1, 2016

Anyone have experience with both the sig p320c and the xd mod.2s sc?

So after spending more money renting guns at the range than it would have cost to buy either one, ive narrowed down my first firearm purchase to these two guns. Was wondering if anyone had any info to contribute that might help me make up my mind.Im looking at the compact double stacks because i want concealability but dont feel great about having 8 rounds in the mag, and its going to be a range gun untill i get my CWP.I like the way they both feel (they're very similiar size-wise). the sig probably wins on the trigger by a slim margin (im new so not sure how to explain it exactly, but i like the "break" and feel like its a tad easier to press without pulling the gun left or right.)Ive been reading obsessively about them both though and have seen reports that the newer p320s are having extractor issues, while the mod.2 seems to be very reliable from what ive read. The mod.2 also seems like it might be a little more concealable.Tomorrow i plan on shooting them side by side again before i make up my mind, but thought it would be beneficial to ask you more experienced guys for your opinions. Thanks.Edit: sorry bout the typo in the title. via /r/CCW

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