Sunday, July 24, 2016

Just a reminder that you may never be too far from a bad situation

Yesterday I was driving home at about 3am. I took some back roads to avoid some construction on the interstate.As I'm coming up to the turn for the state highway that goes through my town, I see some cop lights up ahead.Thinking "no big deal, just someone got pulled over", I just slow a bit and move to the far lane. As I come up the slight incline, I start noticing more and more blue lights.I think I counted a total of 6 or 7 cars, a mix of local, county and state and they had the entire property of a local bar taped off.I get home to do a little google-fu and learn that they were on the scene of a shooting that had occurred maybe an hour before I passed by.New updates this morning told me 1 dead and several injured and someone even put surveillance video from the bar on Youtube- hard to see exactly what's going on, but it looks like a pretty standard bar fight erupted into a not-so-standard fire fight, with multiple armed individuals, some (more than one), but not all (from what I could see) firing shots.The video also gave an idea of the direction one shooter ran off in- possibly right to the intersection where an hour later I sat at a red light waiting to turn. If I'd come home earlier last night, there's a chance I would've been right outside as this all went down.So just take this as a reminder that bad things can happen anywhere, anytime. Throughout the night earlier, I had been driving all over the city, including occasionally having to pass through a "bad neighborhood". Nothing happened there. But that doesn't mean you're safe just because its 3am in you're in a nicer, suburban area. Always stay alert and stay safe. via /r/CCW

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