Sunday, July 24, 2016

I had a situation today where I had to use my CCW.

I was on my way into the local grocery store nearby my house to grab a few items my wife forgot for dinner. As I walked towards the store, a younger man approached me. Something looked off about him, so I told him kindly that I wasn't interested and he yells "f*** y** b****" as I step into the store. I thought that my intuition seemed to be correct.I grab the items, go to the self-check out register, and pay for them. The same man that approached me outside the store targets me asking for money which I kindly refuse. He begins to swear and scream profanities at me and I ignore him and begin walking back to my car with bags in hand.He follows me out of the store and litterally pushes me into the second set of doors knocking them open. I turn around and say "touch me again, and you will get hurt."He explodes with rage and begins a tirade of profanities while following me all the way back to the car. I calmly open my door and place my bags in the car, ignoring him the whole time and hoping that he would realize that I didn't have time for his bs.As I start to climb into my car, he grabs my neck with his hands and presses me against the car while screaming in my face. I swung a fist and connected with his jaw which staggered him. I tried getting into car while onlookers were calling police and he forces the driver’s door shut.At this point, he flips out a small knife and says "Im going to cut you f*****." I lifted my shirt and pulled my gun (Glock 26), but I was scared. I really didn't want to shoot the idiot, but I would if he came closer. Thankfully, he turned and ran as soon as he saw the gun, booking down the parking lot into an alley. The police arrived and I went back to station and filed report.Safe to say that I will never be going to that grocery store again. My wife understandably wants to move, but on the bright side I've conviced her to get her own CCW. Don't know what the crazy guy's problem was, but glad no one was seriously hurt. via /r/CCW

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