Monday, July 25, 2016

Buy a good belt...seriously

I just recently started carrying and I used the side bar to find a good quality IWB holster and read a bunch of stuff on belts and thought, "pffffttt...." I've got belts that fit my waist ($5 WalMart specials), what more could you ask for? I planned on carrying a full size 1911 and when I got my license in I put on the same shitty belt I've had since high school and strapped on my 1911 and went to walk the dog. Holy shit, I had made a huge mistake, this gun was way to heavy, I felt like my pants were just sagging all the time and I was constantly readjusting. I felt like this carrying thing just wasn't gonna workout (not with this gun at least). I was pretty disheartened and I thought before I give up or look at different firearms maybe, just maybe, there was something to this belt thing. I checked the same sidebar link that I did for holsters (great resource BTW (awesome sub!)) and looked around, I finally settled on a $50 Orion Leather belt, not even a 'true' gun belt. OH MY GOD. If you're reading this go click on that link and research and pick you out a good belt, now. A good belt makes the world of difference. The leather was probably 5x thicker than my blue light special belt from high school now I get why a good belt matters. A belt should support your firearm and holster not just tighten so fucking much it cuts your circulation and tapes it to your hip. I took a walk with the new belt and the gun feels a million times lighter. Seriously, a good quality belt is just as important as the holster. You absolutely NEED both a quality holster and a quality belt.I know this has been discussed a lot around here but I'm sure there are a bunch more like me who don't buy into the belt hype.Go get a good belt! via /r/CCW

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