Friday, July 22, 2016

Any car holster recommendations that would satisfy Florida's specifications?

RV/Car Carry Without a Permit/License790.25 Lawful Ownership, Possession, and Use of Firearms and Other Weapons (5) Possession in Private Conveyance.--Notwithstanding subsection (2), it is lawful and is not a violation of s. 790.01 for a person 18 years of age or older to possess a concealed firearm or other weapon for selfdefense or other lawful purpose within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm or other weapon is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use. Nothing herein contained prohibits the carrying of a legal firearm other than a handgun anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the carrying of a concealed firearm or other weapon on the person. This subsection shall be liberally construed in favor of the lawful use, ownership, and possession of firearms and other weapons, including lawful self-defense as provided in s. 776.012.""Securely encased" means in a glove compartment, whether or not locked; snapped in a holster; in a gun case, whether or not locked; in a zippered gun case; or in a closed box or container which requires a lid or cover to be opened for access.That's straight from the page about state laws here on this subreddit. I can't seem to find a car holster with a clip over it.I currently have a Glock 19 but would appreciate a holster that could fit a few different guns. via /r/CCW

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